Today's blog is going to be brief, but will essentially discuss why Elementary School is so much cooler than Business School. As a favor to my eight year old friend, Emma (Bri's neice), I helped her with a project for school. Apparently, they read a book called Flat Stanley (, and the premise of the book is that a character named Stanley got squashed by a billboard and lived through it, being flat the rest of his life. Anywho, the 3rd graders are supposed to send out their own handmade Flat Stanleys to friends or family, and the chosen parties are supposed to take pictures of their adventures with Flat Stanley. Being as we haven't been anywhere all that exciting, we had to make do. I decided to make a comic strip, and I think it turned out very well.
The funniest part about this was that Gus nearly killed Ol' Flat Stanley about 50 times, and ended up exiled in the kitchen for biting me, then Flat Stanley, then juming on the table to eat salsa. Bad Gus. Perro es muy malo.

Let me know what you think. I think I want an assignment were I get to make comic books. Boo college! YAY Play-doh!
This blog is super! And not creepy at all!
hahaha! that's hilarious! i love flat stanley!
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