Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Laziness strikes fear in the heart of the..oh forget it

I am tired of beginning all of these postings with apologies. For the two people who read this, you can ask me if you really must know what is going on on a daily basis. I am too tired to update this, and frankly, very little happens to me these days.

Onward to this weeks excitement. I have always been the type to obsess over inconsequential material things, and the most recent object of desire is an Apple iPhone. I have messed with a few, and have been blown away each time I have had the pleasure. I consulted my significant other about the new phone and she immediately said that it is a poor use of money, which I believe was an attempt to defer my monetary usage toward more rent. HA! I have not purchased the iPhone yet in the hopes that all major flaws will be fixed shortly so that I can rationalize spending $399.

Also, I just finished reading To Kill A Mockingbird, the timeless classic from the reclusive and mysterious one hit wonder Harper Lee. I think that this was the fourth time that I have read this book and it gets better with each reading. I found so many things humorous this time through. I highly recommend it to anyone, even if you have read it previously. Also, please read it soon so that we can have discussions over coffee or email or some other medium.

Also, my dog is driving me nuts, so if you have any puppy success stories, please send them my way. He has taken to eating his own poop, a past time that is not nearly as endearing as one might think. He is learning and his behavior is improving, but sadly it is at the same rate that my patience is wearing thin.

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