I am back in school and have continued to attend classes of which I could not tell you the name. The reason that I cannot tell you the name of any of my classes is because every class that I have attended in the last 4 terms has had identical subject material. All in all, its really not that fulfilling. There is good news regarding school though, I graduate at the end of the Spring term. WOOOOOHOOOOO!
Expect news of a grand and much delayed graduation party soon.
Onto today's topic. My girlfriend has decided to quit eating cheese beginning New Years Day and ending when her new nephew Mateo is born, which is expected to happen on April 1st.
I realize that you may think that this would not affect me in the least, but let me assure you that it does. Unless we are eating out, I do not get cheese. I cannot cook anything with cheese, and nothing is cooked with cheese in it. This is TERRIBLE.
As a result, I am going to have to devise a scheme that will return my dairy intake to its usual unhealthy quantities. The best I can figure is that I am going to be forced to somehow induce labor. As I am not an expert on this subject, so I am inclined to find a doctor with questionable ethics, who will be sympathetic to my dietary frustrations. Perhaps this will require a trip to South America or any HMO.
I realize after writing this how terrible this sounds, but maybe its just the way I am explaining it that makes me sound evil and selfish. Let me try again. I need Bri's sister to have her baby immediately, so that Bri can cook food for me with cheese in it again. Ah, yes, that sounds much better.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.
Your funny :)
Good words.
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